Foyer Vollekslaf Walfer 2022 list of participants

All participants of the discipline: HAUPTLAUF 12 km
Filter (click to remove it):Gender: m [x] Nationality: ITA [x]
Lastname Firstname M/F Status Startnumber Nation Club
Alessandro Zamboni 920 ITA
Marchesoni Fabio 958 ITA
Garau Valentino 995 ITA
Gasperoni Alberto 1004 ITA
Spiridon 08 Lëtzebuerg
Carlotti Edoardo 1005 ITA
Battaglia Andrea 1006 ITA
Palumbo Sandro 1040 ITA
Laera Marco 1129 ITA
Santoro Domenico 1351 ITA
Feola Michele 1353 ITA
LG Langsur
Pichierri Pier Paolo 1528 ITA
Pettini Alessandro 412 ITA
Fiermönte Vito 142 ITA