17. int SWT Schullaufmeisterschaften 2024 list of participants

All participants of the discipline: Schüler U12 Jg. 2014
Filter (click to remove it):Nationality: UKR [x]
Lastname Firstname M/F Startnumber Nation Club
Stetskyi Serhii 194 UKR
Ambrosius Grundschule
Zolotov-Haidamaki Andrii 215 UKR
Ambrosius Grundschule
Sahirov Maxym 425 UKR
Bukhtoiarov Lev 742 UKR
GS Martin
Omelchenko Vladislaw 810 UKR
GS Martin
Roitberg Matvey 542 UKR
Grundschule am Dom