Results: Foyer Vollekslaf Walfer 2021 HAUPTLAUF 12 km

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Place M/F. Name Pl/Cl Class Startnumber Nation Club Zeit  
1. 173. 21. Otto, Anne 1. W45 706 LUX 00:55:03 (00:55:09)
2. 189. 22. Paulus, Danièle 2. W45 712 LUX 00:55:42 (00:55:55)
3. 240. 34. Licker, Martine 3. W45 791 LUX 00:57:47 (00:58:04)
4. 332. 57. Kops, Carole 4. W45 251 LUX 01:01:36 (01:01:50)
5. 370. 62. Perez, Trini 5. W45 476 ESP 01:02:56 (01:02:59)
6. 388. 71. Hennes, Sandy 6. W45 147 LUX 01:03:45 (01:04:21)
7. 393. 74. Cabel, Fatou 7. W45 573 FRA 01:03:55 (01:04:11)
8. 402. 78. Raimondo, Lucia 8. W45 765 LUX 01:04:13 (01:04:26)
9. 430. 83. Bruyère, Béatrice 9. W45 15 FRA Rock the mountains 01:05:12 (01:05:53)
10. 449. 90. Bures, Jitka 10. W45 406 CDN 01:05:49 (01:06:17)
11. 487. 102. Ryan, Deirdre 11. W45 87 IRE 01:07:41 (01:08:20)
12. 498. 109. Kolb, Nathalie 12. W45 709 LUX 01:08:20 (01:09:05)
13. 501. 110. Zdravkovski, Tanja 13. W45 312 DEU Red Lions OCR Walferdange 01:08:27 (01:09:32)
14. 507. 113. Dolezalova, Veronika 14. W45 679 LUX Help asbl / Service des Aides et Soins de la Croix 01:08:47 (01:09:24)
15. 519. 121. Agostinho, Natalia 15. W45 627 FRA 01:09:04 (01:09:25)
16. 538. 132. Mousel, Joëlle 16. W45 282 LUX 01:09:39 (01:10:45)
17. 557. 142. Dolezelova, Miluse 17. W45 388 CZE 01:10:53 (01:11:43)
18. 568. 149. Maciene, Ruta 18. W45 594 LTU Begam alaus 01:12:08 (01:12:40)
19. 570. 151. Vandervorst, Monica 19. W45 381 ESP 01:12:38 (01:13:17)
20. 584. 157. Lieffrig, Caroline 20. W45 115 LUX 01:13:27 (01:13:51)
21. 612. 174. Assassi, Assassi 21. W45 733 DEU 01:15:12 (01:15:25)
22. 635. 190. Celia, Nobre 22. W45 522 LUX Banque Raiffeisen 01:17:49 (01:18:13)
23. 640. 193. Sibertin-Blanc, Cécile 23. W45 703 FRA 01:18:23 (01:19:14)
24. 658. 203. Legille-Hartmann, Nadine 24. W45 58 LUX 01:22:08 (01:23:11)