Résultats: 6. Bitburger 0,0% Firmenlauf Trier 2019 6. Bitburger 0,0% Firmenlauf Trier

Filtre (cliquez pour le supprimer):Club: Contact and Cooperation [x] Sexe: f [x]
Place M/F. Nom Pl/cat Cat ADN Dossard Nation Club Temps  
1. 2040. 480. He-Ulbricht, Yanping 480. W 1991 655 CHN Contact and Cooperation 00:30:45 (00:35:22)
2. 2366. 633. Faulstich, Anna-Lena 633. W 1995 659 DEU Contact and Cooperation 00:32:14 (00:36:52)
3. 2367. 634. Klüppel, Julia 634. W 1995 650 DEU Contact and Cooperation 00:32:14 (00:36:52)
4. 2368. 635. Gensch, Jessica 635. W 1995 651 DEU Contact and Cooperation 00:32:15 (00:36:53)
5. 2761. 864. Sawatzki, Dela 864. W 1992 658 DEU Contact and Cooperation 00:34:01 (00:38:39)