Semi-Marathon Beckerich 2018 list of participants

All participants of the discipline: Semi-Marathon
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Lastname Firstname M/F Nation Club
Vaz Vleira Frederic L
Vandenabeele Stefaan L
Tissier Christophe L
Thill Francoise Isabelle L
Talbi Feriel L
Schleich Carine L
Rodrigues Tun L
Los Burros
Reding Sylvie L
Muller Christiane L
Caritas Luxembourg
Miyama Yasuhiro L
Miller Roger L
NSL Strassen
Mersch Albert L
Lanier Michel L
Karonei David L
Kaes Francois L
Heisbourg Philippe L
Fischbach Frank L
Dos Santos Ferreeira Manuel L
Dickes Mike L
Pomjeen Monnerech
Di Sabatino Gigi L
Conrardy Patrick L
Bokkon Jean-Pierre L
Beaume Jacques L
Police Luxembourg
Weyer Tom L