45. Ouschterlaf Grevenmacher 2023 list of participants

All participants of the discipline: 10 km Hauptlauf
Filter (click to remove it):Gender: f [x]
Lastname Firstname M/F Status YOB Startnumber Nation Club
Irene Jelagat 1988 914 KEN
Golz Vanessa 1991 825 DEU
Meinert Britta 1980 827 DEU
Mehlen-Welsch Brigitte 1963 911 196
Gesundes Laufen Armand Rech
Welsch Marie-Paule 1958 925 195
Gesundes Laufen Armand Rech
Olf Cathrin 1991 831 DEU
Ruppert Dani 1971 832 LUX
Spiridon 08 LĂ«tzebuerg
Engel Miriam 1981 904 DEU
TG Konz
Brausch Jackie 1966 835 LUX
Faria Natalia 1974 836 PRT
Team Run
Miranda Alice 1967 837 PRT
Team Run
Berres Birgit 1978 840 DEU
Ronck Martine 1974 841 LUX
Haine Jessica 1978 843 LUX
Colbach Claudine 1976 844 LUX
Wolter Anny 1993 846 LUX
CA Fola
Hoffmann Natalie 1972 850 DEU
TG Konz
Frisch Pamela 1980 912 LUX
LT Hesper
Schmidt Diane 1984 900 DEU
LT Schweich
Thomas Doris 1963 899 DEU
Raimondo Lucia 1974 898 LUX
Spiridon 08 Letzebuerg
Kayser Eliane 1972 896 LUX
Ley Alexandra 1990 889 LUX
Wolff Danielle 1954 887 LUX
Stephany Anne 1980 880 LUX
Hentges Cheryl 1980 875 LUX
Trierweiler Muriel 1967 870 LUX
Felten Liane 1967 869 LUX
Adalsteinsson-Schilling Marianne 1980 863 LUX
Knoch Carole 1982 856 LUX