4. Tëtelbierg-Trail am 26. Mai 2024 26/05/2024


registration opens: 14/03/2024 09:00
registration deadline: 22/05/2024 23:59
day of Event: 26/05/2024

list of participants


Start Discipline Distance Gender Age
10:00 16,5 km Trail 16,50 km 16 - 99
10:30 10,3 km Trail 10,30 km 16 - 99

Event address

Stade Doihl, 35, rue de la Minière
LU Rodange 4839

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Event Webpage

For more information on this event, please visit the event website.

visit Event Webpage


If you have any questions regarding the event, your registration or the results, simply use our contact form.

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