Results: 3. Leopard UTML Ultratrail du Müllerthal Trail

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Place M/F. Name Pl/Cl Class YOB Startnumber Nation Club Zeit  
1. 1. 1. Geistor, Matthias 1. M 1985 3083 DEU TEAM SNOOZE 03:09:14 (03:09:13)
2. 2. 2. Schumacker, Loic 2. M 1986 3249 BEL arel trail / running concept 03:20:01 (03:20:00)
3. 3. 3. Chassain, Vincent 3. M 1977 3260 FRA AUCHAN RETAIL LUXEMBOURG 03:20:03 (03:20:02)
4. 4. 4. Faucheux, Brice 4. M 1977 3094 FRA X3M Triathlon Mersch 03:25:34 (03:25:34)
5. 5. 5. Philippe, Lefebvre 5. M 1973 3345 FRA 03:28:35 (03:28:36)
6. 6. 6. Charles, Cyrille 6. M 1983 3344 BEL Fat Team 03:30:50 (03:30:49)
7. 7. 7. Kieffer, Luc 7. M 1994 3264 LUX Celtic Diekirch 03:31:08 (03:31:07)
8. 8. 8. Thielen, Pierre 8. M 1981 3145 LUX 03:34:20 (03:34:19)
9. 9. 9. Huhardeaux, Henri 9. M 1973 3241 FRA 03:34:44 (03:34:43)
10. 10. 10. Hay, Thomas 10. M 1984 3255 FRA AUCHAN RETAIL LUXEMBOURG 03:39:42 (03:39:43)
11. 11. 11. Jacoby, Ben 11. M 1985 3178 LUX -0 03:40:11 (03:40:12)
12. 12. 12. Lammar, Thomas 12. M 1984 3108 LUX 03:40:22 (03:40:24)
13. 13. 13. Rebourg, Nyko 13. M 1988 3312 FRA Hobbitrail 03:43:29 (03:43:29)
14. 14. 14. Dirk, Falkenstein 14. M 1986 3023 LUX CA Fola 03:44:11 (03:44:10)
15. 15. 15. Cabrillon, Denis 15. M 1990 3055 LUX 03:45:17 (03:45:17)
16. 16. 16. Julien, Socquet-clerc 16. M 1979 3141 LUX 03:45:28 (03:45:28)
17. 17. 17. Lemagnen, Cedric 17. M 1976 3302 FRA 03:50:02 (03:50:03)
18. 18. 18. Klimm, Luca Ruben 18. M 1994 3273 DEU 03:54:39 (03:54:39)
19. 19. 19. Lesueur, Florent 19. M 1988 3315 FRA 03:55:07 (03:55:06)
20. 21. 20. Renquin, Pierre-yves 20. M 1983 3285 BEL Running concept insomnia 04:01:20 (04:01:31)
21. 22. 21. Bruneel, Philippe 21. M 1975 3268 BEL Chachadoudou 04:01:46 (04:01:47)
22. 23. 22. Patrick, Diederich 22. M 1963 3222 LUX AISCHDALL-LEEFER 04:02:06 (04:02:14)
23. 25. 23. Steffen, Achim 23. M 1967 3280 DEU X-Sport Kastelaun 04:02:41 (04:04:39)
24. 26. 24. Sandre, Quentin 24. M 1994 3179 FRA Dijon Triathlon 04:03:08 (04:03:07)
25. 27. 25. Maire, Alexandre 25. M 1991 3259 FRA AUCHAN LUXEMBOURG 04:03:08 (04:03:07)
26. 28. 26. Cretat Helbert, Vincent 26. M 1978 3275 FRA 04:03:29 (04:03:28)
27. 29. 27. Brice, Bucciarelli 27. M 1978 3274 FRA NSL Stroossen 04:03:29 (04:03:28)
28. 30. 28. Michalke, Jens 28. M 1976 3005 DEU LAZ PUMA Rhein Sieg 04:03:31 (04:03:31)
29. 32. 29. Krempchen, Markus 29. M 1972 3262 DEU Trail Römische Weinstraße e.V. 04:06:35 (04:06:36)
30. 33. 30. Kiesch, Jeff 30. M 1989 3231 LUX 04:08:17 (04:08:24)
31. 34. 31. Gierend, Vince 31. M 1984 3320 DEU 04:08:32 (04:08:37)
32. 35. 32. Zaglaniczny, Michal 32. M 1977 3110 POL KAFAREK&LEWAREK 04:09:45 (04:10:15)
33. 36. 33. Kaiser, Matthieu 33. M 1990 3311 FRA 04:10:21 (04:10:22)
34. 37. 34. Ares, David 34. M 1977 3205 FRA 04:11:54 (04:11:56)
35. 38. 35. Eischen, Marcel 35. M 1967 3210 LUX Lafclub Police 04:14:46 (04:14:47)
36. 39. 36. Harrat, Magid 36. M 1973 3333 FRA 04:15:08 (04:15:11)
37. 40. 37. Schmitt, Antoine 37. M 1970 3314 FRA 04:15:10 (04:15:10)
38. 41. 38. Scherer, Gilles 38. M 1969 3338 FRA ASGVO 04:15:12 (04:15:11)
39. 42. 39. Haillus, Thibaut 39. M 1984 3331 FRA 04:15:19 (04:15:23)
40. 43. 40. Hatch, Mike 40. M 1970 3276 USA 04:15:57 (04:16:01)
41. 44. 41. Carlos, Souza 41. M 1967 3175 DEU 04:16:55 (04:17:02)
42. 45. 42. Hilderink, Ivo 42. M 1977 3236 DUT 04:16:57 (04:17:01)
43. 46. 43. Hellers, Yves 43. M 1975 3238 LUX 04:17:08 (04:17:24)
44. 47. 44. Calderon Soares, Daniel 44. M 1980 3199 LUX Trispeed Mamer 04:17:22 (04:17:29)
45. 48. 45. Möller, Manuel 45. M 1981 3098 DEU Nudelvergaser 04:18:32 (04:18:38)
46. 49. 46. Jonckheere, Eddy 46. M 1967 3004 BEL 04:24:46 (04:25:02)
47. 50. 47. Michaël, Clemens 47. M 1979 3133 BEL 04:24:59 (04:25:01)
48. 51. 48. Zimmermann, Uwe 48. M 1981 3059 DEU LT Rennhamster Düsseldorf 04:26:44 (04:26:45)
49. 52. 49. Van Dartel, Christian 49. M 1981 3279 NLD Deloitte Running Club 04:27:15 (04:27:25)
50. 53. 50. Kyhäräinen, Jukka 50. M 1965 3223 FIN 04:27:48 (04:28:08)
51. 54. 51. Berkes, Germain 51. M 1960 3343 LUX Celtic Diekirch 04:27:49 (04:27:52)
52. 55. 52. Schroeder, Frank 52. M 1977 3310 LUX / 04:28:20 (04:28:31)
53. 56. 53. Volk, Matthias 53. M 1987 3189 DEU X-Sport Kastellaun 04:28:25 (04:30:22)
54. 57. 54. Schnellmann, Simon 54. M 1986 3044 CHL 04:31:04 (04:32:58)
55. 58. 55. Kiren, Alain 55. M 1956 3336 FRA CA Malling 04:31:07 (04:31:07)
56. 60. 56. Jean-paul, Michel 56. M 1964 3306 FRA 04:31:48 (04:33:42)
57. 61. 57. Sondé, Hervé 57. M 1978 3056 FRA 04:31:57 (04:32:22)
58. 62. 58. Schmit, Jacques 58. M 1985 3208 LUX 04:32:31 (04:32:48)
59. 63. 59. Heynes, Stefan 59. M 1969 3013 DEU Running with friends 04:32:47 (04:32:59)
60. 64. 60. Morel, Benoit 60. M 1967 3298 FRA Cotentrail 04:33:05 (04:33:06)
61. 65. 61. Mousel, François 61. M 1981 3287 LUX 04:33:35 (04:35:33)
62. 66. 62. Billioud, Matthieu 62. M 1994 3049 FRA 04:33:38 (04:34:01)
63. 67. 63. Birton, Jozsef 63. M 1985 3197 HUN 04:33:38 (04:35:40)
64. 68. 64. Andresini, Albino 64. M 1971 3211 LUX CAB Luxemburg 04:33:50 (04:34:01)
65. 69. 65. Stéphane, Vieilhomme 65. M 1974 3339 FRA 04:34:21 (04:34:25)
66. 70. 66. Fellmann, Benoit 66. M 1982 3130 FRA 04:34:32 (04:34:35)
67. 71. 67. Kiesch, Tom 67. M 1990 3234 LUX 04:34:35 (04:34:41)
68. 74. 68. Schmitz, Gottfried 68. M 1965 3272 DEU LG Pronsfeld-Lünebach 04:35:31 (04:35:42)
69. 75. 69. Van Laethem, Robbe 69. M 1999 3244 BEL Kippeprotjes 04:36:10 (04:36:13)
70. 76. 70. Herard, Stéphane 70. M 1968 3151 FRA Foxtrail Bonzonville 04:36:59 (04:37:14)
71. 77. 71. Stranen-graas, Marc 71. M 1959 3220 LUX DHHasD 04:38:08 (04:38:12)
72. 78. 72. Maxime, Cuylits 72. M 1990 3322 BEL 04:38:09 (04:40:08)
73. 79. 73. Degehet, Pierre-alexandre 73. M 1970 3116 LUX 04:38:11 (04:38:17)
74. 80. 74. Conter, Georges 74. M 1954 3221 LUX Amicale Post Luxembourg 04:38:21 (04:38:34)
75. 82. 75. Remmy, Laurent 75. M 1969 20248 LUX NSL Stroossen 04:40:01 (04:40:02)
76. 84. 76. Geilmann, Ingo 76. M 1979 3173 DEU 04:40:05 (04:40:15)
77. 85. 77. Desquilbet, Maximilien 77. M 1987 3242 FRA 04:40:20 (04:40:23)
78. 86. 78. Bjarnason, Robert bjarni 78. M 1987 20243 ISL 04:40:33 (04:40:34)
79. 87. 79. Spanhak, Freddie 79. M 1982 3198 NED RCL98 04:40:45 (04:40:47)
80. 88. 80. Fabien, Chapuis 80. M 1970 3299 BEL ECLATES PERUWELZ 04:40:58 (04:41:00)
81. 89. 81. Kelly, Sean 81. M 1977 3247 IRL 04:41:01 (04:41:05)
82. 90. 82. Vigne, Benoit 82. M 1968 3303 FRA 04:41:35 (04:43:29)
83. 91. 83. Hirt, Frank 83. M 1972 3326 DEU X-Sport Kastelaun 04:45:34 (04:47:29)
84. 92. 84. Dreesen, Cyril 84. M 1978 3261 FRA AUCHAN RETAIL LUXEMBOURG 04:48:39 (04:48:38)
85. 93. 85. Leroux, Romain 85. M 1982 3254 FRA AUCHAN RETAIL LUXEMBOURG 04:48:39 (04:48:39)
86. 94. 86. Koppes, Philippe 86. M 1981 3308 LUX 04:50:52 (04:52:50)
87. 97. 87. Verkuijlen, Wilco 87. M 1971 3301 NLD 04:51:56 (04:52:02)
88. 98. 88. Durand, Olivier 88. M 1979 3253 FRA AUCHAN RETAIL LUXEMBOURG 04:52:06 (04:52:15)
89. 99. 89. Rinne, Timo 89. M 1966 3170 FIN 04:52:24 (04:52:36)
90. 100. 90. Hugo, Vieira Gomes 90. M 1978 3144 POR 04:52:51 (04:54:46)
91. 101. 91. Pierre, Halkin 91. M 1985 3132 BEL 04:53:33 (04:53:35)
92. 102. 92. Colemonts, Grégory 92. M 1980 3131 BEL 04:53:35 (04:53:37)
93. 103. 93. Szatmari, Olivier 93. M 1978 3184 FRA LE REPUBLICAIN LORRAIN 04:53:42 (04:53:55)
94. 105. 94. Tydeman, Julian 94. M 1975 3143 GBR 04:53:57 (04:55:54)
95. 106. 95. Lotz, Marco 95. M 1974 3172 DEU 04:54:39 (04:54:46)
96. 107. 96. Vital, Frederic 96. M 1966 3257 FRA AUCHAN RETAIL LUXEMBOURG 04:54:44 (04:54:44)
97. 108. 97. Lindemann, Lukas 97. M 1990 3203 DEU 04:54:46 (04:54:52)
98. 109. 98. Rochet, Quentin 98. M 1993 3256 FRA AUCHAN RETAIL LUXEMBOURG 04:54:48 (04:54:47)
99. 110. 99. Dinh, David 99. M 1984 3140 FRA 04:55:01 (04:56:55)
100. 111. 100. Goetzinger, Frank 100. M 1972 3161 LUX LNS 04:55:03 (04:55:39)