28. Int. DEULUX Lauf 2019 list of participants

All participants of the discipline: 10 km Bitburger 0,0% Hauptlauf
Lastname Firstname M/F Status YOB Startnumber Nation Club
Devaquet Lynn 1981 15114 LUX
Celtic Diekirch
Funck-Cloos Josée 1974 578 LUX
Celtic Diekirch
Hoffmann Vera 1996 11 LUX
Celtic Diekirch
Schmoetten Pascale 1968 1219 LUX
Celtic Diekirch
Bechet Dana 2004 1062 LUX
Celtic Diekirch
Schmoetten Pascale 1968 LUX
Celtic Diekirch