Results: 13. TEBA Radweglauf 2023 5km AOK Firmen-u. Jedermannlauf

Filter (click to remove it):Year of Birth: 1989 [x]
Place M/F. Name Pl/Cl Class YOB Startnumber Nation Club Zeit  
1. 5. 5. Jost, Christoph 4. M 1989 279 DEU 00:21:19 (00:21:21)
2. 73. 18. Rößler, Kristina 10. W 1989 394 DEU IGS Hermeskeil 00:29:05 (00:29:17)
3. 113. 48. Reichrath, Anna 24. W 1989 267 DEU 00:32:21 (00:32:33)