18. Zeller Raiffeisenbank Adventslauf 2024 15/12/2024


registration opens: 15/09/2024 00:01
registration deadline: 12/12/2024 20:00
day of Event: 15/12/2024

list of participants


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Start Discipline Distance Gender Age
00:05 Info 0,00 km 99
14:00 Staffellauf 4,00 km -
14:30 Kinderlauf 200m 0,20 km 1 - 7
14:35 Jugend U14/U16 1,00 km 12 - 15
14:45 5-km-Hauptlauf der „Raser“ (bis 21 Minuten) 5,00 km 10 - 99
15:15 Kinderlauf U12/U10 0,60 km 7 - 11
15:30 5-km-Lauf der „Genießer“ (ab 21 Minuten) 5,00 km 10 - 99

Event address

Moselpromenade 37
DE Zell (Mosel) 56856

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Event Webpage

For more information on this event, please visit the event website.

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If you have any questions regarding the event, your registration or the results, simply use our contact form.

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